Wednesday, May 24, 2006

synchronique manifestation

x robert rankin

having read and enjoyed one rankin book recently without incident, i was heartened to pick up another, namely 'the most amazing man who ever lived', and be hit on the second page of text with a startling resonance:

The annual 'Skellington Bay East Pier Man-Powered Flight Competition' always drew the holiday makers. And the annual £1000 prize for the first successful one-thousand-foot flight always drew the town's eccentrics. But no-one was actually expected really to win the money. It was all just a bit of summertime jolly, wasn't it? Men in cardboard planes and dicky-bird costumes jumping into the sea to raise money for charity.


the above read on a monday, when sunday saw a red bull sponsored flying machine championship in the city, which i walked past and saw from a boat.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

a hoot in the dark

x Hiaasen

As his parents were shutting the bedroom door behind him, Roy said "Hey, Dad?"
"Remember how you said the pancake people could do whatever they wanted on that land if they had all the permits and stuff?"
"That's right"
"How do i check up on something like that?" Roy asked. "You know just to make it all legal."
"I suppose you'd call the building department at City Hall."
"The building departments. Okay, thanks."

- Hoot


Despite the rather overt plotting device (one must state that other books by Hiaasen have been of much higher calibre), which is also stolen from the Goonies now i come to think about it, what is of interest here is that I read these words on the exact day when i was due to phone the building inspector of kralingen-crosswijk.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

more dibdin

x dibdin

"i know there is no such thing as society, only individuals engaged in a constant unremitting struggle for personal advantage. i have not deserved to lose, but if i do so, it will be without complaint or regret"

dirty tricks

Sunday, May 07, 2006

acid as the catalyst

X michael dibdin


the 'baddie' goes wrong after downing 6 tabs of acid to avoid a police bust in 'dark spectre'

links to

X geoff dyer

in a nice first novel called 'paris trance', dyer tells the story of a young guy who goes to paris, falls in love and then fucks everything up because he cant deal with his happiness...the trigger is again LSD.